July 17, 2008

Can't remember the things that already study, poor memory?

Q. I am only 20 years old and now persuing my Degree. I always can't memorize the theories, facts or formulas that i just study. Everytime when i sit for exam, i can hardly recall the things that i already read. I think my memory is getting poor. But i used to have good memory during my secondary school. Do anyone out there knowing what happen to me? And what can i do to improve my memory?Thank..

A. Perhaps you need to adjust the way you are studying. Some people (like myself) have to write everything down as I understand things. Some people listed well and record all of their classes. Some people learn better talking things out in groups. Which one are you? You need to find that out. Things are more difficult now than in secondary school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is common amongst alot of people so don't worry.
Maybe its your way of learning that isn't helping you out at all.
Also, make cue cards, they really help and you can take them wherever you go. Read them all the time, have questions on one side and answers on the other side.
Hope this helps.