August 31, 2008

How to study properly ?

Q. I get distracted regularly from my studies. please provide me a solution.

Person One Said :
Meditate in the morning after you wake up and do some yoga exercises at early morning. This will calm your mind.
Set an aim in life and check if you are progressing towards it.
Remember that your whole life will be decided according to how you perform.
Put your heads up and take up the challenges bravely.

Person Two Said :
Apply your butt to the seat of your chair.
Study with your desk facing a wall and not a window. Study in a place with no TV. Study with your phones in the other room. Get a kitchen timer. Set it for 20 minutes - that is your first block of study time. Then set it for 5. That's your stretch, drink, bathroom time. Repeat. As your grades come up, you can extend the break time, but only to 10 minutes. Do NOT text, IM, email or in any other way communicate with anyone else until your assignments are done.

Person Three Said :
Record class discussions.
While memorizing try to relate the word you are trying to memorize with a word you are familiar with..OR make a jowk about it. For most people it would be easier to memorize sothing that was given in a joke.
My last suggestion is that you make catchy abbreviation

Person Four Said :
Easy distraction requires total quiet. Go somewhere so that nothing that surrounds you can bother you until you're through studying.

Person Five Said :
First, you are smart to ask how to study. I recommend searching your local library for "study skills" books. It's hard to get good information on the Internet. Barron's publishes some good books, like "How to study" by Ron Fry. Ron Fry wrote a series of books on how to take tests, how to take good notes, how to read, how to study. I can only recommend books I have experience with.
The key for good grades is not being a smarter person, or who the smartest person is or what school you go to. The key is studying smarter - not studying more. The key is working better, not harder.
I recommend reading Ron Fry's books and any other good book you can find and trying *every* strategy they recommend. Leave nothing tried. And you can drop the ones that won't work for you and make up your own new ones. It gets better. Just hang in there.

Person Six Said :
Listen to the teacher and take notes
At home:
eat a healthy snack
Open your books and read the material, taking notes
Eat dinner, do your homework
Review your notes
Reread any passages where the teacher's lecture does not match what you have read
Have a snack
Do your internet and music or TV
Get a good nights sleep.
While dressing, review your notes.
Go to school
After all of this, if you still are having problems, talk to your teacher and ask for guidance, a study group or tutor.

Person Seven Said :
Listen in class, make sure you understand the work, ask the teacher for help, if your not so good, practice and research the things you dont know, usually you get a text book to look through, and make study sheets.

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