January 07, 2010

Easy Rangoli Designs Rangoli Patterns Rangoli Designs Rangoli

Pinner Park School and Nower Hill High School students took part in creating their own patterns and paintings in celebration of Diwali, the festival of lights.

The Rangoli patterns, traditionally made from coloured powder, sand, chalk, and lentils, are placed at the doorstep of the home during this festival to welcome guests and encourage the Goddess Lakshmi to enter.

Students in years seven, eight, and nine from both schools took part in the class yesterday afternoon which was held at Nower Hill High School and led by the school's Ethnic Minority Achievement Service.

The aim was to encourage children with English as their second language to develop cultural diversity as well as giving them a chance to interact with each other, improving their communication skills and building their confidence.

In Hindi, Rangoli derives from the word colour and that is exactly what the students were experimenting with.

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